Tripartite workshop for the pilot on recognition and harmonization of occupational standards in the agriculture and construction sectors of Ghana, Nigeria, and Togo
Under the Global Programme on Skills and Lifelong Learning (GPSL3) funded by Norway, tripartite constituents from Ghana, Nigeria and Togo met in Accra on the 30th of November 2022, to strengthen the skills partnership between the three countries active since 2019 and promote skills portability and recognition in the region.
7 December 2022
This workshop concluded a series of online and country-level face-to-face consultations and exchange processes with representatives of government, workers' and employers' organizations from each country to increase skills portability in West Africa and through a skills partnership on migration. The partnership idea between the three countries was developed at the subregional tripartite workshop held in Abuja in September 2019. The purpose of this technical workshop will be for representatives of the three countries to present the skills ecosystems in their respective countries to the other representatives and to discuss the next steps and strategy to promote skills portability and recognition of the harmonized minimum standards at the national levels/ regional levels in the agriculture and construction sectors. The tripartite workshop was attended by representatives of:
- The Council for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (Ghana),
- The Ghana Trades Union Congress (Ghana),
- Ghana Employers' Association (Ghana),
- The Nigeria Labour Congress (Nigeria),
- The National Board of Technical Education (Nigeria),
- The Nigeria Employers Consultative Association (Nigeria),
- Le Ministère De L'enseignement Technique, de la Formation et de L'insertion Professionnelles (Togo),
- Le Conseil National du Patronat du Togo (Togo)
- La Confédération Nationale des Travailleurs du Togo
The workshop led to the Validation of the harmonized minimum occupational standards for poultry farming, assistant mason, mason, and plumber, the development of recommendations to further strengthen the skills partnership between Ghana, Nigeria and Togo and the construction of a three-year roadmap for mutual recognition of certifications and youth training in the three countries.