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Employment-Intensive Investment
Urban infrastructure development and creation of decent jobs for young people in the cities of Maroua and Bamenda for the strengthening of peace and socio-economic resilience (HIMO MINHDU Project)
Cameroonian Government through the C2D programme “regional capitals" of the cities of Maroua and Bamenda with funding of the French Development Agency (AFD)
The pilot project essentially aims to ensure the rehabilitation and maintenance of urban infrastructure through the use of labour-based approaches (HIMO) for job creation, economic opportunities and the promotion of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) as part of the C2D program "regional capitals" of the cities of Maroua and Bamenda.
Despite the efforts put in place by the Cameroonian Government for more jobs creation, especially in the infrastructure sector, with the development and implementation since June 2008 of a strategy to promote activities with labour-based approaches (HIMO) in the construction and rehabilitation of infrastructure works, the employment situation remains worrying with the persistence of the three (03) distortions of the labour market that are unemployment (5.7%), underemployment (79.0%) and informal employment (90%). In addition, urban infrastructure, especially the roads, continues to deteriorate due to inefficient and irregular maintenance, particularly in the cities of Maroua and Bamenda. Furthermore, for a few years now, the Far North and North West regions in general and the cities of Maroua and Bamenda in particular have been experiencing an unprecedented security, humanitarian and food crisis, due to the atrocities of the sect Islamic Boko Haram and floods in the Far North region and secessionist armed groups in the North West region.
This ILO Technical Assistance project for a period of two (02) years, for a total amount of XAF 1,301, 653, 208 without taxes (one billion, three hundred and one million, six hundred and fifty-three thousand, two one hundred and eight), financed by the Cameroonian Government, through the C2D program for regional capitals, constitutes an opportunity for the Cameroonian Government to address the issue of urban infrastructure and the creation of decent jobs in the cities of Maroua and of Bamenda with a view to restoring peace and social cohesion among the population.
By building, rehabilitating and ensuring the maintenance of production infrastructure; by using the labor-based approaches; by creating a HIMO technical committee within the technical services of Maroua and Bamenda councils with technical and material equipment; by training young people in the use of HIMO techniques for construction works; by structuring them into cooperatives in the various construction works professions; by promoting local SMEs, this project will release economic opportunities and the potential of decent jobs at the local level. More importantly, it will contribute to improving the living environment of local populations by improving the urban infrastructures of Maroua and Bamenda. In addition, these actions will consolidate community dialogue initiatives for peace and social cohesion.
Global objective
The overall objective of the project is to contribute to strengthen peace and resilience through the development of urban infrastructure and the creation of decent jobs for young people with the optimal use of labor-based approaches during the implementation of urban infrastructure in the cities of Maroua and Bamenda.
Specific objectives
Outcome 1: The HIMO approach is integrated into the local strategic plans of urban communities as a tool for conflict management and peacebuilding. Outcome 2: Urban infrastructure is developed and decent employment opportunities are created for young people through the use of labor-based approaches.
Ministry of Housing and Urban Development;
Cities of Maroua and Bamenda;
Ministry of Employment and Vocational Training (MINEFOP);
National Youth Council;
Social Partners.
At least 2,350 direct jobs (1,680 in Maroua and 670 in Bamenda) created and 9,305 indirect jobs created, of which 30% are for women;
At least 2,350 young people including technical officers from Maroua and Bamenda councils and local SMEs (1,680 in Maroua and 670 in Bamenda), of which 30% are women, are trained in planning, works management and project management through labor-based techniques in infrastructure works including health and safety conditions in labor-based construction sites in the context of COVID 19;
At least 5,000 people are sensitized on the labor-based approach as a tool for conflict management, peacebuilding promotion and creation of peaceful, stable and resilient societies through decent work;
2,350 young people (1,680 in Maroua and 670 in Bamenda) are trained in the various construction works professions and organized in cooperatives to carry out road maintenance works;
At least 5,000 ml of road rehabilitated in the form of training school sites including the construction of gutters, drains, culverts;
Provision of labor-based equipment to Maroua and Bamenda councils and creation of a regional labor-based technical committee.