Women in Business and Management
1 octobre 2017
Women are recognized as pivotal drivers of economic progress worldwide. Achieving gender diversity within enterprises is crucial for enhancing business performance. Despite significant strides, there remains a gap in women's representation at senior and executive management levels and on boards. This disparity persists even if women have surpassed men in tertiary education attainment. Yet, women's potential as a dynamic and skilled talent pool continues to be underutilized.
Recognizing these challenges, the Bureau for Employers’ Activities’ (ACT/EMP) Women in Business and Management (WIBM) initiative focuses on conducting research and gathering comprehensive data and insights on women in business and management, with a particular focus on small- and medium-sized enterprises. This initiative harnesses the knowledge and perspectives of Employer and Business Membership Organizations (EBMOs) and companies worldwide. The effort has resulted in the development of detailed global, regional, and national reports that examines women’s representation in enterprises and EBMOs as well as specific challenges related to promoting diversity and inclusion, achieving equal pay for work of equal value and addressing violence and harassment at work.
Global publications

Women in business and management
Women in Business: How employer and business membership organizations drive gender equality

Equal pay for work of equal value
Pay transparency legislation: Implications for employers' and workers' organizations

Diversity and inclusion
Transforming enterprises through diversity and inclusion

Violence and harassment
Violence and harassment at work: a practical guide for employers

Women in business and management
Improving gender diversity in company boards (voluntary targets vs quotas)

Women in business and management
Women in Business and Management: The business case for change

Women in business and management
Women’s Economic Empowerment: Good practices

Women in business and management
A global snapshot: Women leaders and managers in employers’ organizations

Women in business and management
Promoting women in business and management: A handbook for national employers' organizations

Women in business and management
Gender diversity journey: Company good practices

Women in business and management
Women in Business and Management: Gaining momentum

Equal pay for work of equal value
Understanding the gender pay gap
Regional or country publications

Women in business and management
Women in Business in Central America

Women in business and management
Women in business and management: Gaining momentum in the Caribbean

Women in business and management
Gaining momentum in Eastern Europe and Central Asia

Women in business and management
WIBM: Gaining momentum in Latin America and the Caribbean - Full report 2017

Women in business and management
Women in Business and Management: gaining momentum in the Middle East and North Africa

Women in business and management
Women in business and management: Gaining momentum in Asia and the Pacific