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Workers and Employers from Portuguese-speaking countries adopt Brasilia Declaration on combating child labour through South-South cooperation
Representatives from the Business Confederation of the CPLP (CE-CPLP) and the Confederation of Trade Unions of the Portuguese-speaking Countries (CSPLP), signed the Brasilia Bipartite Declaration in August 2013 reaffirming the commitment of the workers' and employers' organizations to combat child labour in the CPLP sphere.
Within the framework of the strategic guidelines established by the ILO Governing Body for South-South and triangular cooperation (SSTC) and in follow-up on the Ministerial Declaration of Maputo (25 April 2013), representatives from the Business Confederation of the CPLP (CE-CPLP) and the Confederation of Trade Unions of the Portuguese-speaking Countries (CSPLP), participated in a bipartite technical meeting in August 2013 to discuss the implementation of the Decent Work Agenda in CPLP Member States with a special focus on combating child labour and coordinating common positions for the Third Global Conference on Child Labour. In the aftermath of this meeting, the social partners of the CPLP signed the Brasilia Bipartite Declaration reaffirming the commitment of the workers' and employers' organizations to combat child labour in the CPLP sphere.