Working papers

профсоюзное движение
Профсоюзы на распутье
По случаю празднования 100-летия МОТ Бюро по вопросам деятельности трудящихся (ILO-ACTRAV) заказало проведение исследования о текущем...

National Tripartite Social Dialogue: An ILO guide for improved governance.

Trafficking of migrant workers from Ukraine: Issues of labour and sexual exploitation (Russian version)
This paper, prepared by a team of Ukrainian researchers and ILO consultants, argues that trafficking for labour exploitation is an emerging issue affecting labour migration from Ukraine. It also promotes a holistic approach to the eradication of...

Принудительный труд и миграция из Молдовы: экспресс-оценка
This Working Paper on trafficking for forced labour exploitation was prepared by a team of Moldovan researchers and ILO consultants.

In-depth analysis of the situation of working street children in the Leningrad Region 2001 (Russian version)
In Russian. This report presents the results of a comprehensive study and quantitative estimates and other data descriptive of working street children, their occupations and conditions of work, and reasons that drive children to seek independent...

In-depth analysis of the situation of working street children in Moscow 2001 (Russian version)

Служит ли минимальная заработная плата эффективным инструментом для...