Näherinnen stehen neben einer Reihe von Nähmaschinen in einer Bekleidungsfabrik in Lesotho.

WESO Trends - May 2024 update

World Employment and Social Outlook: May 2024 Update

Taking into account the latest data, the report also analyses the current prospects for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on poverty and informality.

Frauen bei der Arbeit - WESO Update Mai 2024 © ILO

The report presents updated global and regional estimates of key labour market indicators. It also explores the question of what is holding women back in the labour market and provides new estimates of the impact of family responsibilities on gender employment inequalities.

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ILO expects global unemployment to drop slightly in 2024, but slow progress to reduce inequalities is “worrying”
Garment workers stand next to a line of sewing machines in a clothing plant in Lesotho.

World Employment and Social Outlook

ILO expects global unemployment to drop slightly in 2024, but slow progress to reduce inequalities is “worrying”

World Employment and Social Outlook: Trends 2024
Cover WESO Trends 2024

World Employment and Social Outlook: Trends 2024

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ILO expects global unemployment to drop slightly in 2024, but slow progress to reduce inequalities is “worrying”

World Employment and Social Outlook

ILO expects global unemployment to drop slightly in 2024, but slow progress to reduce inequalities is “worrying”

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