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Youth Employment projects & activities implemented by ILO field offices - Europe and Central Asia

Project details

RO – Europe and Central Asia

ILO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia
(Based in Geneva)

Regional Coordinator for youth employment:

Daniel Smith



9th European Regional Meeting: Jobs, Growth and Social Justice (8 - 11 April 2013) – Norway


YOUNG PEOPLE AS AGENTS OF CHANGE Report on the National and Regional Events on Youth Employment in Europe and Central Asia
(May 2012) – Europe and Central Asia


ILO Country Office for Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia Lithuania, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Ukraine

Focal point for youth employment:

Natalia Popova: popova (at) ilo.org;
Dragana Marjanovic: marjanovic (at) ilo.org;



Final Conference of the UN Joint Programme “Youth Employment and Migration” (24 April 2012)- Serbia

Youth employment in crisis: Time for action (29 March 2012) - Macedonia

Support to National efforts for the promotion of youth employment and management of migration (24 April 2012) – Serbia – Donor: MDG Fund (Spain)

National tripartite round table "Decent work for youth" (23 March 2012) – Ukraine


Support to National Efforts for the Promotion of Youth Employment and Management of Migration (2009-2012) – Serbia

Youth migration: Reaping the benefits and mitigating the risks (2008-2012) – Albania – Donor: MDG-F (Spain)

Strengthening capacity for inclusive local development in Southern Serbia (2010-2012) – Serbia – Donor: Governments of Sweden, Norway and Switzerland


Final evaluation report: Project youth employment partnership in Serbia (January 2010) – Serbia


ILO Country Office for Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan

Focal point for youth employment:

Olga Koulaeva: koulaeva (at) ilo.org



Trade unions and youth employment: global challenges and new approaches (31 July - 1 August 2012) - Azerbaijan

Kyrgyzstan trade union youth school (16-20 July 2012) –Kyrgyzstan

Round Table on “School to work transition” (14 March 2012) – Armenia

National Conference on Active Labour Market Measures for Youth (15 March 2012) – Azerbaijan

National Conference on Youth Employment in Georgia (19 March 2012) – Georgia

Youth for Trade Unions! (10-11 October 2011) – Kazakhstan


ILO Country Office for Turkey

Focal point for youth employment:

Ozan Cakmak: cakmak (at) ilo.org



Decent Work for Youth: National Youth Employment Conference (29 March 2012) – Turkey


Growth with Decent Work for All: National Youth Employment Program and Pilot Implementation in Antalya (2009-2012) – Turkey – Donor: MDG-F (Spain)

Output - Project "Growth with Decent Work for All: National Youth Employment Program and Pilot Implementation in Antalya" National Youth Employment Action Plan
(November 2011) – Turkey


ILO Country Office for Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and European Union

Focal point for youth employment:

Barbara Janssens : janssens (at) ilo.org



Decent Work for Youth – the EU Dimension (16 March 2012) – Brussels

CO - Lisbon

ILO Country Office for Portugal

Focal point for youth employment:
Mafalda Troncho: troncho (at) ilo.org



Youth employment and the role of cooperatives (4 May 2012) – Portugal

CO - Madrid

ILO Country Office for Spain

Focal points for youth employment:

Joaquin Nieto: nieto (at) ilo.org



Conferencia Nacional sobre Empleo Juvenil y Trabajo Decente (16 April 2012) – Spain

CO - Paris

ILO Country Office for France

Focal point for youth employment:

Jean François: Trogrlicparis (at) ilo.org



Atelier sur l’emploi des jeunes (21 March 2012) - France

CO - Rome

ILO Country Office for Italy and San Marino

Focal points for youth employment:

Luigi Cal: cal (at) ilo.org



Lavoro dignitoso per i giovani (March 2012) - Italy


Promoting decent and productive employment of young people in rural areas: A review of strategies and programmes
(2012-ongoing) – Worldwide


Decent work and protection for youth and non-standard workers: an international and comparative perspective (2 may 2012) - Italy

Piu formazione e informazione: le proposte dei giovani (10 May 2012) – Italy


Italian Decent Work Web Portal 19 March – ongoing – Italy