The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan became a member of the ILO in 1956, ten years after gaining independence. Jordan has ratified 26 ILO Conventions, including seven of the eight Fundamental conventions. The government, the social partners and the ILO are implementing the Decent Work Country Programme 2018-22. It focuses on creating jobs for social cohesion; enhancing working conditions for all, to enable fair access to the labour market; and building the capacities of social partners.

Latest news and stories

ILO and FAO host the launch of the MENA Policy Incubator to boost social insurance for agricultural workers
participants of conference

Press release

ILO and FAO host the launch of the MENA Policy Incubator to boost social insurance for agricultural workers

Knowledge exchange study tour in Egypt for Job Search Club stakeholders from Arab countries
group of ILO PROSPECTS programme stakeholders

Knowledge exchange study tour in Egypt for Job Search Club stakeholders from Arab countries

Projects and programmes

Employment Intensive Investment Programme (EIIP) and Decent Employment in Jordan

Employment Intensive Investment Programme (EIIP) and Decent Employment in Jordan

Employment Intensive Investment Programme (EIIP) and Decent Employment in Jordan – Phase II

Employment Intensive Investment Programme (EIIP) and Decent Employment in Jordan – Phase II


Integrating contributory and non-contributory social protection in Oman

Arab Social Protection Compass Webinar series: Part I

Integrating contributory and non-contributory social protection in Oman


Assessment of Labour Migration Statistics in the Arab States

Regional Report

Assessment of Labour Migration Statistics in the Arab States

Recommendations for Jordan to ratify ILO Violence and Harassment Convention, 2019 (No. 190)

Policy Brief

Recommendations for Jordan to ratify ILO Violence and Harassment Convention, 2019 (No. 190)

Picture of a book case.
All resources

All resources

Browse our catalogue of resources from or about Jordan and filter by topic or sector.

Work with us


Qais Qatamin 

Chief Technical Adviser

ILO activities in Jordan are coordinated by the ILO in the Arab States Office, based in Beirut.

Aresco Centre - Justinien Street - Kantari
P.O.Box 11-4088 Riad Solh 1107-2150
Beirut – Lebanon

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