San Marino
The Republic of San Marino has been a member of the ILO since 18 June 1982.
In 1920, the ILO established an office in Rome, one of the first four cities to have an ILO office along with London, Paris, and Washington. The ILO Office in Rome is the representation of the Organization to its Italian and San Marino constituents — governments, employers’ representatives and confederal trade unions. Besides the Rome Office, the ILO is also represented in Italy by the International Training Centre in Turin since 1965.
The primary goal of the ILO today is to promote opportunities for women and men to obtain decent and productive work, in conditions of freedom, equity, security and human dignity. The mission of the ILO Office in Rome is to be a strong, visible, and proactive presence in Italy and in the Republic of San Marino, in order to effectively engage members of government, employers’ and workers' organisations, and other international organisations in social dialogue and building partnerships for these purposes.
Periodically a Tripartite Commission meets in the offices of the Secretary of State for Labour to coordinate the participation of institutions and social partners from San Marino in the activities of the ILO.
Latest news and stories

Violence and Harassment
The Republic of San Marino ratifies the Violence and Harassment Convention

Maritime Labour Convention
San Marino ratifies the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006, as amended (MLC, 2006)

Labour statistics

National labour market statistics for the last year from the ILOSTAT database
Tripartite partners
- Email :
- Phone : +39 (0)66784334 | 066794950
- Fax : +39 (0)66792197
International Labour Office
Ufficio per l’Italia e San Marino
Via Panisperna 28
I - 00184 Roma