Social and Solidarity Economy
The social and solidarity economy (SSE) contributes to decent work, inclusive and sustainable economies, social justice and sustainable development.
News and articles
The ILO and Japan conclude project empowering Palestinian women and youth in agriculture
Cooperatives are at the heart of social justice and sustainable solutions
Guidance and resources
Education and training
Strengthening women’s cooperatives: The experience of SEWA Cooperative Federation
Colombia: An assessment summary
Providing care through the social and solidarity economy - Colombia
Lebanon: An assessment summary
Providing care through the social and solidarity economy - Lebanon
Key report
ILC.110/Report VI
Decent work and the social and solidarity economy
Thematic pages
JEUN’ESS: Promotion of Social and Solidarity Economy and Creation of Decent Jobs for Tunisian Youth
Fostering cooperative development in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
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Related topics
Topic portal
Social finance