Social finance
Millions of people around the world are vulnerable and marginalized due to for example a lack of access to banking and insurance services. Traditional investment practices do not always adequately consider the social and environmental impact of financial decisions, further contributing to social inequality and environmental degradation.
The financial sector is an influential, yet underappreciated, player in the world of work. Investments, loans and insurance can be powerful drivers to create jobs, improve working conditions and enhance resilience.
The ILO engages with the financial sector to explore how it can contribute to decent work and social justice. Our engagement with the financial sector is three-fold, dealing with different sets of players in the financial sector: financial inclusion, impact insurance and sustainable investing.
Engagement with financial sector players
Financial inclusion
Impact insurance
Sustainable investing
The ILO's Think Impact Toolkit for guarantee instruments
Call for Fellowship applications
Call for Social Finance consultants Abuja, Nigeria
News and articles
Climate change and financing a just transition
Finance and child labour
Highlighted publication
Social Finance 2023 Annual Report
Enhancing the social dimension in transition finance: towards a just transition
A system analysis of the financial market in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Annual Report 2023
Sustainable investments in African agriculture
Feasibility study and design of an impact bond to reduce child labour in Côte d’Ivoire
Thematic pages on social finance
Access to finance and formalization
Innovative finance
Inclusive finance for workers
Blending of financial and non-financial services
Finance and child labour
Gender and financial inclusion
Financial services to enhance resilience
Financing the Social and Solidarity Economy
Financial inclusion for refugees and host communities
Climate change and financing a just transition
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