South Africa
South Africa has been an member of the ILO from 1919 to 1966, and again since 1994. South Africa’s peaceful political transition from the apartheid regime is regarded as one of the most remarkable political feats of the past century. Today, the ILO provides technical and financial support to country with the overall objective of reducing poverty and inequality through inclusive and sustainable growth and development. Priorities established by the tripartite constituents of South Africa include the creation of more and better jobs, especially for youth, broadening social protection coverage, and the promotion of strong and representative employers’ and workers’ organizations.
Latest news and stories
Southern Africa Migration Management (SAMM) Project
Project Media toolkit on “Reporting on Labour Migration in the SADC region” and Media competition awards ceremony
Partnership with South African Footwear and Leather Export Council (SAFLEC)
ILO supports specialized design workshops to strengthen designer capabilities in 50 SMEs from the South African footwear and leather sector

Labour statistics

National labour market statistics for the last year from the ILOSTAT database
Projects and programmes
FAIR Programme - Phase III
Integrated Programme on Fair Recruitment (FAIR)
Child labour and forced labour
Multi Partner Fund

Development Cooperation Dashboard

The dashboard offers interactive visualisations of ILO development cooperation projects in South Africa.
Farmworker Indaba Highlights Social Challenges on Wine Farms
Decent Work for Construction - RAF/21/14/SWE – 007/2024
Documenting good practices on linking decent working conditions
ILO Working paper 109
Working conditions of subnational government workers in selected African countries

All resources
Browse our catalogue of resources from or about South Africa and filter by topic or sector.
Tripartite partners
Work with us
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- Phone : 2712 818 8000
- Fax : 2712 818 8087
20 Hotel street
Crestway Block C
Lynnwood 0020
South Africa
ILO DWT for Eastern and Southern Africa and Country Office for South Africa, Botswana, Lesotho and Eswatini.