Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka’s rich history with the International Labour Organization (ILO) stretches over 75 years. The island-nation became a member of the ILO soon after its independence, in 1948, with the country office established in 1984.
As the only united nations entity dedicated to the world of work, the ILO is built on the foundation of tripartism and social dialogue. ILO efforts in the country are closely aligned with national priorities, and the UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework, and are rooted in advancing social justice and decent work for all Sri Lankan people.
Latest news and stories

Impact story
Breaking waves and gender barriers in Sri Lanka maritime sector

Social and solidarity economy critical to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals in Asia-Pacific
Labour statistics
National figures on labour market for the last available year from the ILOSTAT database
Development cooperation Dashboard
The Dashboard offers customizable views of ILO development cooperation projects in Sri Lanka
Projects and programmes
Supporting migrant returnees and communities in vulnerable situations to uplift their livelihoods, enhance their skills and promote safe...
Promoting Advancement of Vulnerable Persons and Enterprises (PAVE) Project
Asia-Pacific Employment and Social Outlook 2024: Promoting decent work and social justice to manage ageing societies
Integrated approaches for formalization in Asia and the Pacific
Tripartite partners
ILO Country Office for Sri Lanka and the Maldives
202 - 204, Bauddhaloka Mawatha,
Colombo 7,
Sri Lanka
- Email:
- Phone: +94 11 259 2525
- Fax: +94 11 250 0865