Wages are among the most important conditions of work and a major subject of collective bargaining. The ILO is committed to promoting policies on wages and incomes that ensure a just share of the fruits of progress to all and a minimum living wage for all employed in need of such protection. In order to do so it undertakes research and provides evidence-based policy advice on minimum wages, public sector pay, wage bargaining and gender pay gaps. Since 2008, the ILO publishes the Global Wage Report, one of its flagship reports and an authoritative source of information on wage trends and policies at national and global levels.

Wage policies and living wages: everything you always wanted to know
This online course (provided in English, French and Spanish) will take place between 17 June and 12 July 2024. You will learn what you always wanted to know about minimum and living wages. Application deadline: 17 June 2024
Meeting of experts on wage policies, including living wages
An ILO meeting of experts on wage policies, including living wages was held in Geneva between 19 and 23 February 2024.
Global Wage Report 2022-23: The impact of COVID-19 and inflation on wages and purchasing power
Key Findings, Chapters, Data and Full Report of the latest Global Wage Report
Thematic pages

The Protection of Wages

Wage bargaining

The question of living wages

The gender pay gap

Minimum Wage Policy Guide

The Global Wage Report
Technical cooperation projects

Setting adequate wages

Indicators and methodologies for setting adequate wages
Key publications
The gender pay gap in the health and care sector: A global analysis in the time of COVID-19
Setting adequate wages: The question of living wages
A Review of Wage Setting through Collective Bargaining
Temporary wage subsidies
General Survey on Minimum Wage Systems (2014)
Protection of workers’ wage claims in enterprise insolvency
The Gender Wage Gap in Egypt
The gender pay gap in Sri Lanka: A statistical review with policy implications
A Rough Guide to Inclusive Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Development
News and articles
South-south learning experience on minimum wage
Discussion heightened towards setting minimum wage in Ethiopia
ILO’s emergency response to the Rio Grande do Sul Floods
Statistics on wages (ILOSTAT)
Contact info
For additional information on the ILO's Wages topic please contact the Inclusive Labour Markets, Labour Relations and Working Conditions Branch at inwork@ilo.org