Since gaining independence in 2006, the country ratified 76 International Labour Standards (Conventions), including all ten Fundamental Conventions. Montenegro is a candidate country for EU membership and negotiations are relatively advanced as compared to other countries from the Western Balkans.
The ILO technical assistance focuses on developing an EU-compatible framework of labour laws, as well as social and employment policies. The new Labour Code adopted by Parliament in 2019 is an example of ILO support to EU alignment.
The main framework for the delivery of ILO support to Montenegro has been the Decent Country Work Program 2019 to 2021. ILO and partners in Montenegro are currently working on a new DWCP for the forthcoming years.
Recent ILO support has focused on:
- providing better access to public employment services for vulnerable groups such as persons with disabilities, long term unemployed or youth
- modernising labour market administration through digitalisation
- designing a Youth Guarantee Scheme
- improving safety at work and strengthening labour inspectorates
- supporting the Social and economic Council
- promoting alternative dispute resolution for labour conflicts
- supporting Employers and Workers’ organisations in improving advocacy and service delivery to members
Latest news and stories

Employment and Social Affairs Platform
What does it take to improve social dialogue and promote better-quality employment in the Western Balkans?
Global Rights Index points to remaining challenges in workers’ rights in Central and Eastern Europe

Labour statistics

National labour market statistics for the last year from the ILOSTAT database
Projects and programmes
Digital, inclusive, and transformative: Quality education for Montenegro
World of Work in Montenegro: Paving the road to recovery

Development Cooperation Dashboard

The dashboard offers interactive visualisations of ILO development cooperation projects in Montenegro.
Tripartite partners
ILO Central and Eastern Europe Newsletter March 2024
Guidelines for reinforcing the role of labour inspectors in addressing undeclared work

All resources
Browse our catalogue of resources from or about Montenegro and filter by topic or sector.
ILO activities in Montenegro are coordinated by the ILO office for Central and Eastern Europe, based in Budapest.
Email :
Phone : +36 1 301 4900
Fax : +36 1 353 3683
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Postal Address
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H-1386 Budapest