The ILO in Africa supports 54 countries to promote rights at work, encourage decent employment opportunities, enhance social protection and strengthen dialogue on work-related issues. Together with our worker, employer, and government partners we strive to achieve a human-centred future of work built on social justice for all.
Constituents on the African Continent have committed themselves to making decent work a reality for Africa’s people, through a series of priorities identified by them.
Regional priorities
Latest news and stories
Social Justice, Human Development and Child Labour
Country Office Dar Es Salaam Director: Why the future of work in Tanzania is promising

A new era for employment in Gabon: Historic agreement during visit of ILO Director-General

Labour statistics in Africa
National figures on labour markets in Africa for the last available year from the ILOSTAT database

Development Cooperation Dashboard
The Dashboard offers customizable views of ILO development cooperation projects in Africa funded by voluntary contributions around the world. It shows the budget and expenditure of voluntary contributions for the past 10 years.
Projects and programmes
Together to Develop the Youth in Damietta
Employment-intensive investment
Promoting social cohesion through economic inclusion and job creation for refugees and host communities in the moughataa of Bassikounou
Information brief - Employment impact assessment of Phase 2 of the Nacala Road Corridor Project, Zambia
Credit guarantee schemes, MSME access to finance and labour productivity in Africa
Theme:'Sustainable Social Protection for Resilience Building'
2024 Zambia Social Protection Week

Contact the ILO Regional Office for Africa
- Tel : (+225) 20318900
- Email : iloafrica@ilo.org
- Website : https://www.ilo.org/africa
Plateau, CCIA Building
Côte d’Ivoire
01 BP 3960 Abidjan 01
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